Welcome to Homegrown Hearts!

Free Homeschooling Resources & Information For Your Family

Take a stroll through our growing garden!


My Blog - My personal weblog for your reading pleasure. Please leave comments so I know people are finding it. :-)

Articles - Articles I've written to help with various aspects of homeschooling. Lapbooking, notebooking, unit studies, etc. *New!* "Dr. Seuss Meets the CPSIA", "Scoops on Snoops", "Pi Day Activities", and "Sled Dog Lapbook".

Links - My collection of links for homeschoolers with descriptions and Christian content highlighted.

Fun Stuff - Worksheets, forms and activities that I've made to use in our homeschool, particularly for younger children (Preschool, 1st Grade - 3rd Grade). Print and use any that you like - all free!

Journal - Where you'll see how we do things and what 'homeschooling' looks like at our house - includes our Online Calendar documenting our homeschool journey and the link to our If You Give a Mouse a Cookie lapbook page.

About Us - Who we are and the reasons behind the creation of this site.

SIGN & VIEW our Guestbook.

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visiting, and please come again!

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hearts have strolled through our garden
since October 1, 2001