I’m so sorry that I’m taking so long to get the Lapbooking 101 files up here. June kind of exploded on me with everything going on and I just haven’t done it yet. Until now. Lapbooking ideas – what kinds of things to include (.pdf) Lapbooking links to get you started (.pdf) I still owe [...]
Homeschool Helps
If you’re here to find my notes on Lapbooking 101, they’re not here yet. I’m hoping to get them pulled together and posted today, so look later and they should be here. I wanted to make sure you did find the right place for them if you looked today. While you’re waiting, go ahead and [...]
Heather and I discussed the CPSIA on the Grace Talk podcast this morning and you can listen to it right here! Click on the arrow next to “Select a past episode,” and choose “CPSIA meets Dr. Seuss…” It should load and stream from there. If this doesn’t work for you, you can also download the [...]
I received this information today and thought it might be helpful to some of my readers. http://www.learninga-z.com/ Access to Thousands of FREE Resources During Teacher Appreciation Week We all owe much of our success in life to teachers everywhere. We at Learning A–Z want to thank educators the best way we know how—by opening up [...]
In case anybody hasn’t looked at the rest of my site lately, I thought I’d highlight some of the newer items that have been added. Eye Spy! Vision Lapbook – How to make a lapbook about vision, including optical illusions. Lapbooks For Everyone – Our first lapbook and resources to help you make yours with [...]
Are you looking for some fun things to go along with the “Horton Hears a Who!” movie or the original Dr. Seuss book? I have a mini-unit in my articles section that might help you out! This could easily be turned into a lapbook, too. Horton Hears a Who! mini-unit I hope you enjoy it!