Rather Random Thoughts on the Weekend
So…holiday weekend. Due to a pinched nerve in my shoulder I couldn’t go to the local parade, so my husband took the boys on his own. He didn’t even want to go, so it was very nice of him to take them – they were really looking forward to it. I think we’ve almost gotten through all the candy now, but not quite. My older son took his camera and took some pictures, so hopefully he’ll get those up on his blog soon. He’s way overdue for an update on it. I see a blog writing assignment in his near future if he doesn’t do it on his own.
I believe this is our 4th, uh, 4th in this house. We just discovered Friday night that we can see the town’s fireworks display almost perfectly from half a block up the street. Over the years, we have tried to see them through trees, from across the street, driven around looking for a parking spot to get closer (unsuccessfully)… and the whole time we could have just walked half a block over. At least we know now! Maybe next year I’ll even remember to take my camera with me. I was hurting too much to walk back to the house for it, so I just went without.
In other news, we are over-run with ants. We usually get a small invasion each spring, then we set out some Terro and by the next day all is well again. Not this year. I suspect it has something to do with all the rain/flooding/humidity/what-have-you. Whatever it is, they are coming in the front and the back and who knows where else. I haven’t been able to find the point of entry. It’s getting kind of frustrating, especially when I can’t spend a lot of time being upright now without a lot of pain ensuing. (It’s getting better, but it’s going to take some time. Trying really hard not to whine about it!) I also have to be very careful about putting poison out with all the pets we have. Soooo…yeah. Ants. Go away.
I’m happy to report that we sold our treadmill which we got a lot of use out of but that we just didn’t use anymore. A family from our homeschool group bought it for what they considered a bargain price and we got it out of our garage and are sending the money to Selena’s family in Tanzania, where it will stretch even farther. So that worked out well. Oh, and I got a teacher’s guidebook I needed out of the deal, too.
I had a couple more things I wanted to chat about but this is getting pretty long. I guess I’ll save the Bible study stuff for the next post so I can focus on it a bit more. I’m going through a Kay Arthur book now (“How to Study the Bible”, I think is the title) and need to decide what will be next after that. Need help on that! So that will be next time.
P.S. – Note that I have added a Twitter box to my sidebar. I tried to resist the Twitter pull, I really did. Alas, it was too strong for me and I have succumbed. So if anybody wants to ‘follow’ me on Twitter, there ya go. If not, I shall tweet into the void.
Oh no! Not you too! hehhe, Aaron does that twittering thing… not sure about all that:) Anyways, awesome that your son blogs! I am not surprised with his internet savvy mama:) I am looking forward to hearing about your Bible studies!
Yes…as I suspected, I have become instantly addicted. And FriendFeed is even worse! At least it’s something to entertain me while I’m stuck mostly horizontal all day. I need to try to knit and see if that’s an option at all.
Hopefully in a few days I will be somewhat back to normal and can pull myself away without some kind of Twitter rehab. I may need an intervention.
I must admit… I can’t remember live before Twitter. *swoon*
Congrats on your fourth fourth. That’s fun to say. Sorry about your shoulder. Yuck! Yuck about the ants, too. we used to get them BAD in CA, and then we found this Chinese chalk that was amazingly effective, but I think it might have been illegal.