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Seuss Meets CPSIA

Written By: Jodi on February 26, 2009 8 Comments

We need your help!

seuss hatAs you are probably aware, a certain Dynamic Duo of which I am proud to be a part has authored a Seussian story about the CPSIA law. Many seem to be enjoying the story and we are quite pleased, but we also have a bit of a problem. We can’t decide on a title! Please help us out and vote in the poll below. If you have a suggestion for a better title than the ones listed, please choose the last option and share your idea in the comments!

[poll id="2"]

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8 Responses to “Seuss Meets CPSIA”

  1. Margaret Hogan says on: 27 February 2009 at 3:13 pm

    Even your titles are CLEVER – you two are a hoooooot!

  2. Liz Domogala says on: 28 February 2009 at 4:16 am

    Bedubble String Trouble!

    You gals are great! Let’s start a mom’s writing group? Once a month or bi-monthly?

  3. shellie says on: 2 March 2009 at 1:06 pm

    Love the story!

    How about:

    The Dilly-Dunk String Legislation Inflation?

  4. Rebecca Delorey says on: 2 March 2009 at 1:17 pm

    The Trouble in Bedubble
    I think it sums up the whole book from beginnnng to end and it sounds like a Seuss book title.
    Rebecca Delorey

  5. Charlene T says on: 2 March 2009 at 1:54 pm

    How about – “Why Bedubble Outlawed the Dilly-dunk Ball”
    or “What’s the trouble with all the Dilly-dunk balls?”

    otherwise, I like “The Trouble with String”

    I absolutely LOVED this story! I’m up in Canada and this news worthy law has us all shaking our heads. I hope they change the law quickly for US citizens, we could be next (you know, Monkey see, Monkey do!)

  6. Liz says on: 2 March 2009 at 3:31 pm

    Frankly I like Shellie’s Idea the best!

    “The Dilly-Dunk String Legislation Inflation”

  7. Linda says on: 2 March 2009 at 5:20 pm

    How about The Dilly-dunk String Legislation Escalation? I think that makes more sense than Inflation.

  8. Cindy says on: 3 March 2009 at 6:11 pm

    We had a grand Suess celebration last night with Green Eggs & Sausage (okay but sausage is pork – ham is pork :) ) Along with dinner, we read your story “The Trouble with String.” What a wonderful way to share something important so that even the simplest of us could enjoy & UNDERSTAND! My husband wants to know if we can send this to ALL politicians but would they “get” it?

    My suggestion for the title is just a simple change to yours:
    “The Thing about String” My 2nd choice “Annabelle Ruth and the Search for the Truth.”

    We’ll be praying for the success of the story & how it could be used. Maybe…

    Incredibly wise Beddubblers with no time to waste,
    sent their enlightening story in the greatest of haste,
    to those lawmakers and councils who hurriedly draft,
    the laws and the rules not too brilliantly worded nor carefully craft.

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