Lego Lego Lego!
Oh my goodness, our life was taken over by Lego! This year, both boys were on the Lego team for First Lego League. It seemed like our younger son was already on the team last year since he was at all the meetings, but this year it was official. Once again, they advanced to state from the regional competition so our Lego season was extended another month.
I certainly don’t mean to complain. They love doing it and although it’s a huge time commitment, it’s about the only outside activity they participate in regularly outside of a writing class. It’s so good for them! They learn robotics, programming, teamwork, how to research a project and present it to others…and have fun doing it! Our coaches are awesome and we certainly plan on doing it again next year.
I thought I’d share a few photos from this year to document another winning season. They advanced to state by winning the Technical award at regionals and got 2nd place in Strategy and Innovation (also robot related) at state!
Here’s a video of their robot in action:
Tags: FLL, homeschool, Lego, video