Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before…either into a creature that is in harmony with God, …or into one that is in a state of war with God. Each of us at [...]
Is that title random enough? We have ‘officially’ finished the legally required number of school days for this year. Since we school year-round, this isn’t really that big of a deal, but for some reason I’m feeling a sense of accomplishment. We’ve also just finished my older son’s grammar book, the math book we were [...]
Sometimes our prayers are for deliverance from conditions which are morally indispensable — that is, conditions which are absolutely necessary to our redemption. God does not grant us these requests. He will not because He loves us with a pure and implacable purpose: that Christ be formed in us. If Christ is to live in [...]
We no longer hold the title of “Last Christian Homeschooling Family With Children Over the Age of Six Who Have Not Read or Seen The Chronicles of Narnia.” That’s LCHFWCOASWHNRSTCON, for short. Please, hold your applause and do not faint. It is true. We have owned the movie probably since it first came out on [...]
In case anybody hasn’t looked at the rest of my site lately, I thought I’d highlight some of the newer items that have been added. Eye Spy! Vision Lapbook – How to make a lapbook about vision, including optical illusions. Lapbooks For Everyone – Our first lapbook and resources to help you make yours with [...]
I came across this prayer card that I received at a homeschool meeting awhile back. I thought I’d share it here for others that might find it beneficial. The idea is to pray for each virtue according to the day of the month. I found the original article online here, if you’d like to read [...]
I have this habit of blogging about things that are going to happen and then forgetting to post about how they turned out. So I’ll try to tie up some loose ends here and hopefully I won’t forget any. Lapbooking and Notebooking presentation for our homeschool group – This went pretty well. My co-presenter and [...]
So many movies today, even the ones marketed for kids, are full of material that is objectionable to parents. It’s nearly impossible to know just by movie descriptions and trailers how much profanity and ‘adult situations’ will be included. I thought I’d share some resources to help you find out the ‘family-friendly’ level of movies [...]
Are you looking for some fun things to go along with the “Horton Hears a Who!” movie or the original Dr. Seuss book? I have a mini-unit in my articles section that might help you out! This could easily be turned into a lapbook, too. Horton Hears a Who! mini-unit I hope you enjoy it!