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Homeschool Convention Recap

Written By: Jodi on June 10, 2008 2 Comments

Obviously, we also survived day 2 of the convention. It wasn’t as much fun as the first day for me, but I was getting exhausted. It tires me out to be around a lot of people and action for extended periods of time. The main vendor halls were even hotter than the day before. They really need to come up with a solution for that – it’s the same problem every year. Having a couple of big fans for each gym just doesn’t cut it. They just blow the hot air around. It’s not conducive to shopping and buying, that’s for sure! On the up side, the classrooms where the sessions were held were very well air-conditioned this year, which was an improvement over last year when I believe the a/c was at least partially broken in that area of the building.

Our purchases on this day included Beer’s Victor Journey Through the Bible, which we got from Rainbow Resource. We managed to make purchases from them both days. :-) We also purchased Snap Circuits, Jr. from R & D. I would have liked to link to the product at their site, but their site needs some navigational help. Sorry, it’s the website designer in me, but if people can’t find what they want on your site…they can’t buy it! Ending that tangent now.

Anyway…the boys are having tons of fun with the Snap Circuit set and I’m having to limit them to just a couple/few projects a day or they’ll be done with it before 2 weeks have passed. They’re already asking for a larger set. They now know more about how electricity works at ages 9 and 7 than I do at *ahem, enter OLD age here*.

We attended more sessions by My Father’s World, split up for some family meeting and “Bringing Your Child to Christ and Keeping Them There” sessions.

I guess my plan for this year is to plan more. My husband would like to have a better idea of what we are doing and hear less about all I wanted to do and didn’t get done. He thinks actually planning out what we’re going to do in advance would be helpful. That may seem pretty obvious to most, but I, especially last year, did not really plan ahead. I just grabbed whatever we were working on and we did the next thing. If it was going well, we’d do a little more. If it wasn’t going so well, we’d do a little less. Then I’d just track what we did after the fact. I’m also very eclectic and use many different things, so I don’t have anything already made up that tells me when to do what.  Which I like, by the way.  I don’t like the pressure of having to do such and such by a certain date or feel I’m ‘behind’ and have to catch up to…what, I’m not sure!

So, this will be a challenge for me, especially as this is the first year I’ll be schooling both boys ‘officially’. I did almost everything orally with my younger one last year, but this year he will have to have some tangible work for his portfolio to be reviewed, so it should be interesting. He’s not a ‘sit down and do it on paper’ kind of a kid. I’ll have to be sure I record our oral schooling or it’ll look like we did nothing. I think I can teach both kids from the same materials in a couple of subjects, so that should help.

Let’s see…I guess that’s about it for the convention and the motivation it stirred. I’m trying to finish up my summer school plans this week so we can get back to in on Monday. We’ve had a long break considering we school year round. It’s always so hard to get back into the groove after a break!  I make the workload lighter in the summer, but I think it’s best for us if we keep doing something.

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2 Responses to “Homeschool Convention Recap”

  1. Gina Webb says on: 10 June 2008 at 9:18 pm

    I will have to check out those snap circuits, sounds like something my kids would love:) And I am totally with you about the year round schooling! We have lightened our load as well, but still keep our schedule with the 3 R’s. Let me know how the planning things out goes… I always have such good intentions of wanting to plan out this and that… then life happens.

    Anyways, let me know how you like the Journey through the Bible study:) I need to find a good Bible study for elementary age children.

  2. Jodi says on: 11 June 2008 at 11:01 am

    My boys will be more than happy to demonstrate the Snap Circuits to you! Maybe we can bring them over when we have our belated BBQ. :-)

    You know, I hadn’t even thought of using that book as a stand-alone Bible Study for the kids, more just for reference. But that’s a really good idea! We’ve also been looking for a good elementary level Bible Study to use this year. We looked at Summit Ministries, which is very good, but seems like it might be a little too involved for them at this point. You might want to check it out, though. It’s called “Building on the Rock”. http://www.summit.org/curriculum/es/homeschool/
    I am using The Mystery of History, which is based on the Bible, so I could probably just supplement that with the Victor book and some others we already have here. That just might work!

    Today is a good example of why scheduling things makes me want to tear my hair out. I watched the news last night and they said no rain today until the afternoon. So I planned on going to get groceries this morning before it rained. Ha! Pouring down rain out there. I would like Wednesday to be our ‘off’ day when we get groceries, go to the library, etc. but what do I do when it’s crummy outside and I don’t want to go on that day after all? I guess I do Thursday stuff on Wednesday and hope I can go on Thursday? See, I’m really bad at this, LOL.

    I do use Homeschool Tracker software and I’m thinking of upgrading to the paid version. It does help…I’m the problem, not the software. :-) I’m actually very good at making schedules. I just don’t like to follow them after I make them. I think it’s the only child in me trying to be the oldest child (schedule maker) and the youngest child (schedule breaker) at the same time. I’m a bit schizophrenic that way. :-)

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