So…I’m trying to come out of my shell and say ‘yes’ to things I would normally run away from. It’s been an interesting experiment that has worked out well for the most part. I’m being more social and learning to be more comfortable around people I don’t know all that well. It’s kind of a [...]
Articles tagged with: convention
Written By: Jodi on June 10, 2008
Obviously, we also survived day 2 of the convention. It wasn’t as much fun as the first day for me, but I was getting exhausted. It tires me out to be around a lot of people and action for extended periods of time. The main vendor halls were even hotter than the day before. They [...]
Written By: Jodi on June 6, 2008
One Comment
Just a quick note tonight (ha! Am I capable of being quick? We shall see…). Today was the first day of our state homeschooling convention. After being up in the night herding the family down to the basement for a tornado warning and then shuttling the kids to their grandparents early this morning so we [...]