One day down, one more to go
Just a quick note tonight (ha! Am I capable of being quick? We shall see…). Today was the first day of our state homeschooling convention. After being up in the night herding the family down to the basement for a tornado warning and then shuttling the kids to their grandparents early this morning so we could go to said convention, I was not all that alert this morning. I about fell asleep during Zan Tyler’s morning Keynote, and I’m pretty sure that is not a comment on Zan’s speaking abilities. She is so cute! I did manage to wake up a bit later in the day and very much enjoyed the sessions by Todd Wilson of FamilyMan Ministries. So much so that I attended 3 in a row. And that was not just because they were held in the sanctuary where there were padded pews and air conditioning. Partly, but not completely. He had a lot of good things to say and he is quite the funny guy. Great combo in my book.
Apparently we have to leave at the crack of dawn again tomorrow morning to make it in time for the start of the conference. It’s even more fun to find parking on Saturday than it is on Friday due to the extra folks that come who weren’t there the day before. So it’s a good idea to get there on time or a bit early. I’m glad we only live a few miles away. Have I mentioned that I’m not a morning person? Like, not at all.
I did purchase some curriculum I needed today. I got the next level of Math-U-See (check!) and we’re trying A Reason for Spelling for both boys this year (check! check!). So they’re taken care of. I’m not sure I really need anything else, so I might be good for the coming year. Although my husband is now thinking we should consider using a ‘program’ that has lesson plans laid out for me. My Father’s World, in particular, but I’m also going to look at Heart of Dakota on the recommendation of my friend, Heather. I’m not convinced that this is what we need (I’m very eclectic at heart), but I’m trying to stay open to the idea since I do want to do what’s best for our kids and I realize that might mean that I’ll have to adapt to a new way of doing things. Or not. We’ll see.
I guess this is as quick as I can be. Not too bad for me, really. I really need to write about my adventures of the day following the Great Geocaching Disaster of ’08, but that’ll have to wait for another time. I would like to state for the record, however, that after receiving assistance from a fellow homeschooling geocacher, we were able to go back and find the first cache we looked for. It’s amazing how much easier it is to find when you know what you’re looking for! Thanks Randy (and Vickie)!!
I’m off to bed. The morning will be here all too soon.
Tags: convention, curriculum, homeschool
Awesome. I really wish we had been able to go. You will have to give me more details about what you got out of the conference. I heard it greatly encouraged those who went. I like Math U See, seems like a good program. And I like A reason for Spelling as well:) Don’t own either, but they look really neat.
Maybe sometime your eclectic self and I could get together and do some lapbooking with our kids. I would love to see how you approach and follow through with it.
That’s really cool that you were successful in your next geocaching adventure! Hurray!